Monday, July 16, 2012


Ooh, lucky me. I do like abstract puppetry, Stravinksy, and Basil Twist. So i'm very happy to be in North Carolina working on the development of Twist's puppet commission of The Rite of Spring at Carolina Performing Arts. To be performed in April 2013.

Eye Show Development at Standard Toykraft

June June June was FULL of puppetry. In fact I did nothing, but work on The Eye Which We Do Not Have. As the newest full-length imnotlost show, it is shaping up. We presented 20 minutes of new material at Standard Toykraft after a monthlong residency in Williamsburg. Photos and video will be posted asap at

Little Broken Hearts

Back in May I directed the Live Video Animation for Jonny Clockworks puppet show, Little Broken Hearts. It was commissioned by Nora Jones herself and we premiered it at her CD release party at the Box. Fancy!