Monday, November 28, 2011

December is very full

Oh my, i may have overbooked myself this month! so get your calendar and find out when you can come to see me!

Occupy Broadway:
I'm performing the new PUFF on stilts!
Friday Dec 2nd, 6 p.m.
Times Square

Voice for Vision Puppet Gallery:
My Caterpillar from Dark Space and my biggest Poof! will be on display.
Dec 8th - 18th, 2011
Theater for the New City

I'm performing some massive hands for a great director, Lily Whitsitt
Dec 10th - 14th, 8:30 P.M.
As part of the Drama League's DirectorFest
at Here Arts Center

Whoa Wednesdays
This will be the first viewing of my new physical theater act, Things Fall Apart
Wed. December 14th at 8:00
Triskellion Arts

Punch Kamikaze Xmas Carol
I don't know yet which part i'm doing, but what does it matter? its kamikaze, man!!
Wednesday December 21st at 7:00
Jimmy's 43 pub


ok. i missed a big gap of time in this log of my movements. And that is because I spent this past summer/ fall training super intensively with my mentor, Kari Margolis, at her training center upstate. August 1st - October 21st I trained 5 hours a day, 5 days a week in the margolis method of physical acting. And it felt GOOD!

I have been studying the method for many years, but this year I wanted to really focus my energies on that practice. I am happy to say the experience was expansive for me as a performer. After that intensive period i feel myself poised to create greatness in my own performance projects. Additionally, i spent a lot of time and energy drawing connections between this cohesive physical theater training and exercises I will use to train actors and puppeteers in the manipulation of objects, puppets, props, costumes, and scenery. Ask me to consult with your theater company and I'll share my excitement and expand your vision of movement onstage.

Monday, November 7, 2011


I'll be puppeteering in Michael Bodel's puppet-dance version of the opera SONNAMBULA. We open at Here Arts Center Nov 10 and run until Nov 19. Ooh so beautiful! INFO HERE