Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Poof Appearances 4-30

will appear this Saturday, April 30th
the opening ceremony of the new Clockworks theater.
starting at 7:30 p.m. at 196 Columbia Street Brooklyn

then they will appear at the
Gravity Sleeps Salon at
F A C T O R Y Studios
79 Lorimer Street (btwn Union and Marcy)
Brooklyn, NY
around 11 p.m.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Fireside Chat Friday April 22nd 6pm

Do come by Dixon Place on Friday April 22nd at 6 p.m. for the next installment of Fireside Puppet Chats, where we invite puppet artists to talk about things OTHER than puppetry. Kate Brehm will host a discussion about USELESSNESS with Julian Crouch and Sxip Shirey. Do come!! It's FREE.

Friday April 22nd at 6pm FREE
Dixon Place, http://dixonplace.org
161A Chrystie St. (between Rivington & Delancey)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Petrushka in Philly

I'm performing the head of the ballerina in Basil Twist's Petrushka in Philadelphia this weekend and next at the Annenberg Fine Arts Center. www.pennpresents.org


The Puppetry and Postdramatic Puppetry Conference at UCONN last weekend was LOVELY! All the usual suspects, with great scholarship, and a plethora of puppets. Thank you John Bell and Bart Roccoberton. I delivered a lecture on Using Cinematic Techniques in Live Puppetry (a break-down of Cinema 1 by Deleuze and clips from my new show, The Eye Which We Do Not Have) and performed a Poof at the cabaret.